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  • Writer's pictureSandra Ramos

Social Self Care

Social self care is connecting with people and developing healthy relationships.

Benefits of social self care: supports our overall mental health.

Some ways to practice social self care:

  1. Call a friend or family member

  2. Spend time in nature with a friend

  3. Make breakfast, lunch or dInner plans

  4. Coffee or tea time at your favorite shop

  5. If you can’t meet face to face, do a virtual call

  6. Go on a date with your partner or a double date with a couple you admire

  7. Finds people/groups that have the same interest or explore new interests

  8. Join or start a book club

  9. Play dates with your child and other parents (your kids also benefit)

  10. Appearing open and welcoming when meeting new people shows your are interested in conversation and in knowing them.



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